Another A.F. Branco Cartoon: Fact Checked
Read MoreUnable to Change Law Through Congress Biden Launches Worst Regulatory Deluge in History
Joe Biden has been a massive failure in changing actual laws through congressional action, but that does not mean he has not damaged the country.
Read MoreNatural Immunity Vs. Covid Vax, Government Lied Again
The people who have already had Covid asked, “If I already had Covid don’t I have natural immunity? Why do I need the shot?” Now we know.
Read MoreAnti-Israel, Anti-American, Ultra Woke Ben & Jerry’s Caught Using Child Labor to Make Ice Cream
The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company has always portrayed itself as holier than thou and ultra-woke, lecturing the world on how evil America and Israel are.
Read MoreA.F. Branco Cartoon: Not a Joke
Another A.F. Branco Cartoon: Not a Joke
Read MoreGovernment Fires Nurse for Daring to Say ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist’
A nurse was kicked out of the UK’s National Health System because she dared t4o say that just being born white doesn’t automatically make you a racist.
Read MoreAffirmative Action, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Transgenderism: Recipe For Disaster
By Frosty Wooldridge, Individual initiative, creativity, meritocracy and personal drive form the underpinnings of the social, economic and cultural foundation of the United States of
Read MoreA.F. Branco Cartoon: Child’s Play
Another A.F. Branco Cartoon: Child’s Play
Read MoreMuslim Virginia School Board Member Calls U.S. Victory in WWII ‘Evil’
A Muslim member of a Northern Virginia school board has raised eyebrows for saying that the U.S.A.’s victory over the Nazis in WWII was ‘unfortunate” and “evil.”
Read MoreUber Woke Disney Having Worst Year Ever with Box Office Bombs, Low Park Attendance, Subscriber Loss, and Layoffs
Disney which has spent years pushing a hardcore, anti-American political agenda into its “entertainment” has been having a rough year.
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