“Rules for Radicals” offered a variety of devious strategies for those on the Left to take control of government. Perhaps it’s time for rules for conservatives.
Read MoreBiden Cyber-Disaster A Microcosm Of His Entire Presidency
Joe Biden’s presidency has hit new lows in 2024. Despite what many media outlets and talking heads on the left wanted to portray as an
Read MoreHILARIOUS: Latest Media Trump ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax Faceplants — Badly (VIDEO)
All it took to blow this lie out of the water was playing the tape in context. But the media is desperate to push this angle anyway.
Read MoreCanadian Cops Go Full Psycho… Arrest Rightwing Journo For Doing His Job (VIDEO)
Joe Biden’s DOJ is aggressive in prosecuting his enemies — including arresting a Blaze reporter who started asking the wrong questions about J6 — but even they aren’t THIS brazen.
Read MoreREGIME CHANGE: Schumer Gives Ultimatum To Israel While Biden Gives Concession To Iran
For all their talk about ‘defending democracy’, what Dems really mean is advancing their agenda and opposing all rivals… their handling of Israel is the latest example to prove that point.
Read MoreFANI WILLIS: Judge Rules On Disqualification Question — Presents Her With An Ultimatum
The judge is putting an end to the Nathan Wade/Fani Willis drama in the case against Trump and his co-defendants — well, kinda.
Read MoreBragg FINALLY Coughs Up 100k Pages Of Evidence Against Trump… Still Wants To Rush The Trial
How long does it take you to read a novel? How about 31,000 pages? Now imagine that somewhere in those 31,000 pages are clues you need to defend yourself against bogus allegations of criminal wrongdoing?
Read MoreWhy Was The CIA Present Where Those Weird J6 Pipe Bombs Showed Up?
We’ve never been getting any straight answers about the supposed pipe bombs that were discovered on J6 — and no charges. Now a FOIA request places the CIA on the scene.
Read MoreIRONY: Hollywood Virtue-Signallers Called Out For Celebrating Lynching Of Jews
No sane American would DARE come out in support of lynching, right? Especially if that lynching is specifically in the context of murdering someone of a hated ethnic group. That would be simply beyond the pale, wouldn’t it?
Read MoreBwana Trump Slays The GOP Beast
Here’s Doug’s latest Trump oil painting titled, “Bwana Trump Slays The GOP Beast.”
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