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By Jeff Davidson
Grammar schools indoctrinate our young children, teaching them to hate America. Crowds rioting in the streets are described by the libstream media as ‘peaceful protesters.’ Police are severely hindered in doing their jobs. District attorneys let hardened criminals out of jail. When you examine what’s occurred in the U.S. over the last few years, incredibly, it no longer even seems like our own nation. Lunatics Running the Asylum Democrat governors embrace illegal aliens who add nothing to their respective states but who take way much. A presidential administration, run by who knows who, undermines Donald Trump’s “1776 Project” – which offered a balanced perspective on American history – while supporting the misdirected “1619 Project” launched by New York Times, and asserting that the “true” founding of the U.S. began when slaves were first shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. The lunacy knows no bounds: Thousands of off-the-wall assertions, end runs around the law, and flights of complete fantasy. The illegal, unpatriotic, downright absurd positions of the Left are unfolding at an increasing rate. Whether it’s renaming schools, defaming Dr. Seuss, defacing property, desecrating church symbols, or re-assigning the sex of a plastic toy potato, the Left is complicit. The vital voices, our elected representatives, in positions to call them out, too often say little or nothing. Madness in the Air What kind of madness is occurring? Can there be a common denominator to the endless array of heartless and heart-sickening behaviors that we’ve now witnessed for several years? The answer yes, a common denominator to it all does exist. The common denominator of Leftist behavior is to thoroughly quash the opposition, ignore due process, vanquish the U.S. Constitution, overturn the right of habeas corpus, contort “one person one vote,” and much more, so that we are left in tatters as a nation. Each and every activity of the Left, from tiny to gargantuan, in one form or another, is designed to diminish the strength, status, and sovereignty of the United States. Whether it’s seeking to overrun the nation with illegal immigrants, smear conservative Supreme Court justices, pack the Supreme Court, besmirch local officials, cancel the careers of people who’ve made one offensive statement, even if made 40 years ago, and so on, all such activities have the same common denominator. A One World Government As the U.S. declines, the misdirected schemers believe that they move closer and closer to their insane dream of having a “one-world government.” Led by global elites – Leftist multi-million dollar career politicians and Leftist billionaires, who pull the strings around the world – such a government supposedly will produce the utopian society that Left envisions. “Envisions” but never comes even close to achieving. Utopias don’t exist, could not work if they did exist, and result in enslavement of their citizens. Study Utopia by Sir Thomas More, The Republic by Plato, Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, or any other treatise on supposedly ideal societies. You will rapidly understand that the elite inexorably regard the citizenry with disdain, nothing more than serfs – worker bees – who need to act according to how they are manipulated and who will do exactly what they are told. By all accounts, the global elite’s decades-long quest for a one-world government is light years from Americans’ ideals. It is so far from what our Constitution guarantees, and so distant from the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, that it is beyond chilling. Dominance “Я” Us If America falls, the western world falters, and the Chinese Communists take over. They will control at least half of the globe, if not all, and their form of government is going to be exceedingly worse than what the global elites have in mind. The Chinese are already experimenting with creating biologically enhanced “super soldiers,” more powerful than the average soldier. The Chinese have imprisoned thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people in slave labor camps. They already have surveillance cameras in their larger cities to a degree that you cannot imagine. They already are publicly shaming ‘social’ misfits who do not sufficiently conform and thus have a poor ‘social credit’ score. The global elites, and the Chinese Communists, must be contained and, in time, stopped. It will be a monumental task, but we stopped Hitler and Mussolini, we overcame the monolithic Soviet Union, and we can prevail now if we can reach the rising generations. We need for Gen Xers and Millennials to break away from the Left’s cultural stranglehold. And as they do, they will find that at least 75 million Trump voters will be on their side.++++
Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management.
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