A federal court has shot down a Michigan city’s ban of a local farmer from its farmer’s market because he espouses a Christian world view
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Charlotte’s Main Gay Group Gives Its Top Award to a Convicted Pedophile
Charlotte Pride was excited to award its 2023 Harvey Milk award for “exceptional LGBT+ advocacy” this year to pedophile Chad Sevearance-Turner.Charlotte Pride was excited to award its 2023 Harvey Milk award for “exceptional LGBT+ advocacy” this year when they chose pedophile Chad Sevearance-Turner.
Read MoreSquatters Stealing People’s Property a Growing Problem, One Man Had a Solution
A property owner in Atlanta was shocked enough after finding people illegally living in a home he owned, but was outraged when the police arrested him
Read MoreJoe Biden is Letting Thousands of People on the Terror Watch List to Crash Our Borders
Joe Biden is letting thousands of terrorists to crash our borders as U.S. Customs and Border Protection data reveals.
Read MoreVIDEO: Customer Expertly Guns Down Armed Robber Without Even Putting Down His Six-Pack of Beer
Newly-released surveillance video shows a Michigan man gun down an armed robber at a convenience store without putting down his beer.
Read MoreSan Francisco Crime is So Bad, Even Downtown Government Offices Told Employees to Work from Home
Crime in San Francisco is so bad that government employees who work downtown have been told to work from home.
Read MoreDocs Show Corrupt FBI Targeted Catholics as ‘Terrorists’
Earlier this year it was reported that Biden’s corrupt FBI was preparing infiltration teams to spy on Catholics.
Read MoreNeighbors of Man Killed by FBI After Allegedly Threatening Biden Say: ‘That’s Not the Man I Knew’
By Johnathan Jones, Shocked neighbors of a Utah man who was shot and killed in Provo on Wednesday by federal agents after allegedly making threats
Read MoreIllinois Gov. Signs Law Allowing Law-Breaking Illegals Aliens to Become Cops
Pretty soon, the people of Illinois will be confronted by illegal aliens working as police officers with the power to arrest and jail them.
Read MoreUNBELIEVABLE: DOJ Wanted to Give Hunter Biden Immunity from Prosecution ‘In Perpetuity’ with Botched Plea Deal
The Department of Justice was trying to create a plea package for Hunter Biden that would have excluded him from prosecution for anything in the future.
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