European countries, such as Norway, are finally realizing that transgenderism is all a fantasy, and, worse, that it is actually dangerous to children.
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DOD Insider Claims U.S. Has Recovered a Craft of ‘Non-Human Origin’ — Media Silent
One would think that the media would be all over a story of a DoD insider saying that the U.S. government has recovered an extra terrestrial craft.
Read MoreThe Left Engages Daily in Civilization-Destroying Behavior
Grammar schools indoctrinate our young children, teaching them to hate America. C
Read MoreYES, We Need New Leaders
Yes, we need new leaders that might pave our way toward a viable future in America.
Read MoreBiden Refusing to Fill Key Federal Watchdog Positions as Accusations of His Misconduct Grow
Congress is beginning to notice that Joe Biden has been refusing to fill key positions for federal watchdogs
Read MoreREPORT: Smartphone Use Connected to Long-Term Mental Health Problems in Kids
A new study finds that use of smart phones by young people can lead to mental health problems later in life.
Read MoreBiden’s DOJ Actually Argued that Guns Can Be Limited Because Gov’t Historically Oppressed Minorities
The Biden DoJ actually argued in court that government can take away people’s guns today because government oppressed people before.
Read MoreThe 12 Worst Big Corporations Grooming Your Children for the Radical Gay Sexual Agenda
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation recently revealed its list of the 12 most dangerous multi-national corporations.
Read MoreSupervising Detective in Bragg’s Case Against Trump Suspended For Ties to Michael Cohen
ASIDE from the illegal, weaponized persecution towards President Trump via Bragg and Co., once a “dirt-bag” always one.
Read MoreREPORT: Lockdowns Were a Disaster and Saved Practically No One
A new review of the results of coronavirus lockdowns from across the world reveals that not only were actually harmful.
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